Thursday, December 29, 2011

A big thanks to our newest sponsors Keen Footwear, Schwalbe Tires, and Icebreaker! The support is amazing and they are helping to make this trip possible! Please check it below!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Kickstarter - A way to donate to Big Water

We have just launched our Kickstarter project! If you would like to donate towards our trip click the link below. There are awesome rewards including a copy of our finished film upon donating.
Big Water Bike - Kickstarter 
 It can't be said enough how much your support means to us!

Big Water Film Promo

After much anticipation, our promo video is finally finished! Check it out and spread the word, we leave in less than 6 months!
A big thanks goes out to Jay Lewis of Vika Films and Tyler Flagg for making this promo possible!
Thank you for all of your support!

Friday, December 2, 2011

New camera

Ashamed...maybe a little. But we took advantage of Black Friday and went out and purchased our main camera for the trip. We ended up going with the Canon Vixia HFM41... and we scored a great deal. A big thanks again to the Sierra Club Chippewa Valley Chapter for supporting our expedition!

The Ski Hut - Our newest sponsor!

Happy to announce our latest sponsor! Thank you to the Ski Hut for supporting our expedition. Please check them out at the link below or visit one of their two awesome locations!